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*NBF provides filing assistance only at the specific direction of the user. NBF is not a law firm and does not offer legal advice or consultation.
What is DBA?
A DBA, often referred to as a trade name or fictitious name, is nothing more than an alias used by an LLC, corporation or an individual/sole proprietor or partnership. A trade name does not offer protection like an LLC or corporation; it has no tax implications, but is linked to the person or entity using it for identification.
Note: Most banks require a state registration to open a business account. A Trade Name (DBA), an LLC or a Corporation filing willsatisfy that requirement. A DBA is generally only used when the business will operate under a different name than their LLC or corporation name.
This depends on your situation. If your business will operate under the name of your LLC, that satisfies the requirement from the bank (although many banks also require an EIN or Federal Tax ID).
If however, you operate under a different business name than your LLC, you will need a DBA (or Trade Name as it is called in Colorado) to transact business under that name.
Example: You file your LLC for “Vicky’s Baked Goods, LLC” and that is the name of your store and your bank account. The Articles of Organization (LLC filing paperwork) take the place of a trade name/DBA.
If however, you want to operate the business as “Baked Delights”, you would need a DBA.
An LLC is an actual business entity that is formed in order to protect its owners (known as members) from personal liability from the operation of the business. A DBA, often referred to as a trade name or fictitious name, is nothing more than an alias used by an individual/sole proprietor an LLC or a corporation. A trade name offers no protection, has no tax implications, but is linked to the operations of the person or entity using it for identification and other purposes.